

There is a moment
Unlike all other moments,
In which,
As I now know,
Time can freeze.

It is a moment which you can capture
Like pausing the TV
Or holding a note in a song.

This moment stays like this ,
Almost forever,
Or so it seems.
Although time moves on for others,
Perhaps it doesn't for you.

This is a moment
That you visit in your dreams
And try to change,
To fix,
Or perhaps to correct.

This moment is one you regret,
You spend your whole life
Trying to make up for.

Yet it's only a moment,
A split second
In the time you are here on earth.

There are so many
Other good times to remember,
And we chose to be frozen
In the one moment,
Everything felt like it was falling apart.

We learn to never make
That mistake again,
And that we can not linger forever
Since time moves on
Even if we don't.

© addiworks