

Don't Worry
Hear this folks, you have no control over what happens to you.

There's a supernatural hand that orchestrates what happens to everyone on earth.

He is GOD.
Be encouraged not to worry about anything, but put your trust in God instead, and pray about all things, Anything at all.

Prayer is how we communicate with God; and He always hears us when we speak, pray always.

As you pray, pray as if the prayer has already been answered – that is faith.

As you pray, you will find that your heart will be filled with a kind of peace that cannot be shaken by any trial or circumstance.

That peace will keep you sound and sure through many challenges, and you will be able to be at rest.

No matter the challenges...
At work,
At home,
At your office,
At your business places,
Do not worry, trust in God to see you through it all.

God is omni present and sees what we cannot see..

He is omni science....he knows what we don't know.

Just trust him 100% and be rest assured that he won't let you down.