

Treasure of pleasure ....
Wannabe lover in my toxic state,
Sweet on the outside and smirk on his face,
Lips on yours stepped on untied lace,
Slammed to the wall wetness on my tongue,
Heard him breathing deep into my lung,
Choked with his hands other on my waist,
Bit my lower lip on crazy wild night,
Undress me under dull moonlight,
Lust isn't waiting for any weekend days,
Don't you dare say a word while you finger I'll taste,
Orgasm that you deserve I'll make it aced,
Lick that savour off my tips dripping on those hands,
Just come closer to my skin I'll make my rules amend,
Desires written into your eyes shown through nasty games,
Run your fingertips through my long hair he acclaims,
Spend this beautiful night into my arms naked without shame,
You are the treasure of this night, hence I'll claim....

© Starindaylight
#WritcoQuote #writco