

The Day Of Temporary Dream
It was a day of temporary dream,
Brighter than any star on this sky,
Then I read my noise mind
Capturing your face and I did it,

You will find a way to a different place,
And I breath the longing winds here,
Out of any place in the world,
You're my universe and everything,
Just then I fell in love to someone that I didn't know,

What a fate , What a fate,
It may take a years and ages,
And we grew older than any pines trees,
Yesterday was still fresh of our young days,
I sighed that you would sat behind me,

I will walked to your dreams once,
The temporary dream that we wish for,
For a second the difference had shones my universe,
And the pines trees lighting those darkness,
To find your way to this temporary dream,

The light that shines our darkness,
Just like the north star on the blue sky,
I closed my eyes to my temporary dream,
Laying on this old wooden bridge,
And thinking what day of tomorrow,

So that I could turn this temporary dream to a reality,
And watch your smiles from a miles away,
Catching me up ,
To this old wooden bridge ,

© writerturk