

Moments like this make me want to cut. Moments like this make me want to bleed.
They make me feel powerless.
I just got home and I'm already in tears.
I hate it.
I hate myself.
I hate everything.
School makes me feel self-conscious.
Home makes me feel like shit.
You judge me for walking away.
Yet you do the exact same thing with Mom.
Sometimes I think of you as my best friend.
But in reality you're my enemy.
You and Mom don't get it.
You judge and don't understand.
You put demands but you never complete them.
I hate it here.
I say it so much it's depressing.
I can't wait till I leave.
I can't wait till I'm free.
I just want to cut.
I just want you to see my pain.
I just want you to feel how I'm feeling. Maybe one day I'll leave.
You'll Appreciate Me When I'm Gone.
You'll say, we could have stopped her. Maybe you can maybe it's not too late.
I think about it.
Ending it.
I know it's not the answer but then what is.
© peace