

Eyes filled with darkness
And ears muffled with silence
A vision of cimmerian illusion
But a mind obambulating
inexhaustingly clearing the flaws
Meticulously conquering
the Impossibilities to light
an incandescence of seeping
komorebic Ray's of possibilities
She grew up
Never a cynosure
But always ebullient
altruistically accepting the zemblanity
Cerulean sky and crimson flowers
were lucifagous in her mirkylandscape
But the untiring curiosity
seeking new horizons
Soaked the obscurity
with flamboyant colours
Trenchance and joviance
with determination and confidence
painted an Ivory glow in her soul
Ingenuity in learning the Braille
against the odds
resilienti ng against all the askances
Tenaciously holding each bit of valiance her sole possession
Never to lay crest fallen
Chasing away the brooding reality
with a life made of threads
weaving a story ineffable
Effervescent with inexplicable skills
and enamored with aeipathy
She dawned a
sempiternal life in everyone's hearts
Inked with her name
The mighty