


Guardian who patrols rows of forsaken knowledge walks in a silent void without a lick of noise, breathing to the extent of the library itself in a glass of emerald that glows according to each inhale and exhale. It is glorious, it is magnificent, it is laborious as it is significant. A land before thought untouched by time and I would like nothing more for a single sheet of my work down to a single sentence to a single word to be placed in the whirl or furl of purl irl. Jasper knitted raiment appears in the ethereal view through the exterior of one of the book rows. The librarian, whose features resembled the shocking reality of words beyond utterance, purely shook the voice from my sight.

Unbeknownst to I that it, or rather the librarian possesses abilities untold by normal means. It sees through others eyes when their brainwaves link and sync in close proximity. I don't remember much beyond this point besides the distinct wildness of connection I feel to that place which never truly left me. I awakened to the same desk next to the same pen I write with but, something changed. The sheet of writing I've put much effort in had disappeared, vanished, as if erased out of existence and for a lack of better words, I lack the capability to render any remembrance of such a piece.

It did prove one thing though. It proved my voyage was not a dream, for maybe I will read my writing I've tried so hard to complete may come back to me when I reread it again for the first time in centuries. Lord, if you would allow me and bless me with the opportunity TO GRIP MY PEN SO VICIOUSLY yet, write so gently and place every letter down to the perfect gape down to the right syllable in a perfect frame of space. So yes, if I want to see such a place, do again as I do in the magnitude of sideways eights. I figured this is what I had to do. Like before I fought assiduously with myself upon the page so yesterday I fought the person I am today to compete with that person I'll be tomorrow. Maybe and only maybe, will I pass upon those pearly gates.

#creativewriting #deepmeaning #literaryworld

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