

Into anew
Days in West
Moments in the breeze
Pain off my chest
Now just distant memories
Talk of the town
Now whispers in the wind
Idle time takes a grip
Even if there is nothing to hold
Costing an anxiety filled mind
All that is has to find its center
Those are the days to remember
These are the days to treasure
Of a sound mind
Whole heart
Free spirit
Fresh start
God and his blessing
Light of the stars
Old scars now just lessons
Instead of pestilence
no longer plagued by a wounded heart
For it is these very wounds that have molded me
Molded you
Molded us all
Pushing some apart
Pulling some together
Once we see a falling star
New ones have formed
Here nothing can be better
With a whole world to explore
So I'll sit by the ocean and write this letter to
The star that has been reborn
