

Out of reach
Hallmates hoping to become soul mates,
Interesting fun fact, they not age mates,
Battling between morals and personal desires,
All he desired was a twist of fate,
All she wants is to love back without showing her love........ probably.

I think I know I love her,
But in a sense, she is out of reach,
The last on my to-do list, is keeping hopes high,
Why do these girls not show their emotions??.

I made a vow not to love someone younger,
Then what am I doing in his love nest,
As it stands I know he knows I know I like him,
But attesting to that is a no go!!.

I would not like to scare you away so I think I like you,
I would not want it to get to your head but I think I'm in love,
An opening is all I need,
Can he not see my advances!!!
I think I should note this as another case of failed love.

© unspokenwords