

That Moment
#memories #heartbreak #inspiration

All the while we were dancing,
Joyful and in the embrace of music,
Of people like us dancing together,
Of smiles sparkling in the shades of the lights around us,
Of your presence near me,
I was lost in the moment,
This moment of pure bliss,
Me smiling for the first time in a long while,
You guiding me to what I have lost,
Holding my hands to yours,
The touch of your skin against my palms,
My heart beating to the rhythm,
Of the flow of music stringing us all together,
Connecting lost lovers and hearts,
Friends and acquaintances,
Broken hearts and healing hearts,
Strangers and families,
All in all, through the power of music and words.

As I watched you from the distance,
Seeing you embracing the moment,
I shake my head,
"You are going to make the greatest mistake of your life.", I thought to myself,
"And yet...",
"It was the mistake that will save your life.",
"You will eventually have a family with two children and when the time where grief would visit you...",
"You would think of killing yourself, holding that gun that you hid from your closet, to your head, thinking about your choices.",
"You would think of your children, of what would happen if it where to occur, what would be the reason as to why you are doing this, what would be the future of us...?",
"What is there to live for?",
So you hesitated, for many days and you finally made a decision,
Going through the trials and hardships in life,
Going through the negativity occurring between family members,
Going through the times where you feel all hope is lost,
But you look at your side,
Seeing your two children doing their own thing to pass the time,
They are the reason as to why you are alive,
Even as you saw your mother lying at the hospital bed,
Her enduring and brave spirit that left from her body,
The body that gave life and hope to you since you were a child,
That body now inside an urn, lying on top of the organ with candles on top, in your family's house,
You persevered despite the odds that Life keeps throwing at you,
Yet, you fought it, slowly walking towards Life as it backs away from you,
Until eventually, you held on to Life and a moment of calm from the chaos occurred,
Silence was the only sound,
Your eyes closed, bracing for more,
But Life drops it's odds, understanding you and held you back,
In that quiet moment.

As I wipe a tear from my eye,
I stood up and left the building,
I have other more important things to handle,
In this time period.

© Renno B. Nel