

I glared at you but you gazed at me.

I hated you but you loved me.

I wanted to destroy you but you healed me.

I loved breaking you but you loved mending me.

I did everything to get away from you but You never gave up on me.
I dedicate this #peom to every individual out there who doesn't gives up on themselves, no matter what ! I believe #selflove is not easy, a lot of times we remember something we did in the past and we say something along these lines, "Ugh ! I hate myself", "I am so stupid" etc.
#sucidalthoughts often cross our minds but we hold on a little more, we give Chance to #ourselves
We hold onto that hope which merely exists in us, yet we don't let go of it. This poem is decided for every individual who encourages, motivates and who is patient with ownself. YOU are an inspiration. #dontgiveuponyourself, YOU needs YOU.
#youinspireyou #dedicated #selfhelppoems

© afrais_me