

It's At The Door
I was told by someone close that my foolishness has reached it's peak, has it?
I was told that I always behave like a sadist, do i ?
I am always treated like a burden by many people.
I am always called ugly , fat and stupid, am i all that?
I am tired of crying everyday and not being heard .
I am tired of my opinions being shut down all the time by other people.
I try to block all those talks and advices that bring me down.
It's knocking at the door so aggressively.
And I have no choice but to open the door and let it in.
And all the negative feelings and hates are just rushing in.
It's too much for me to endure.
Depression! It's depression.
It has filled my mind and soul with darkness.
I just hope that one day I will have the courage and strength to fight it off.
And return to my normal happy and free self.
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