

Why, every time I laugh,
everyone mad at me.
Why, every time I smile,
my grandma hit me.

Why..? Why? and Why?

Am I not a human...?
Why can't I laugh...?
Why can't I smile...?
Why can't I be happy..?

My mom mad at me because I laugh.
My grandma hit me because I smile.
My dad try to kill me because I happy.

What wrong with all of that?
I want to smile like everyone else,
but I can't.
I wanted to laugh and be happy but my parents don't allow me to.

I wanted to run from this home, but I can't.. I'm scared

I'm scared if they will hit me again and cuffs my hands. maybe I'm going to starving for a week again.

please god help me. 🙏🙏
© Xiaolee98