

As a Dew for You
So what, in the existing lifetime
If our bodies & souls couldn't converge.
Mine potent yearnings & nature's hallowed blessings
In next age, will infallibly make them merge.

Mine heart holds a plea to the universe,
'May I be reborn as a driplet of dew.'
Can you have birth as a floweret for me?
For I wish to preserve my life on the anatomy of you.

As garniture on your vibrant silken pads
I long to be one which could make you endure ease.
Your snugness would signify intendment of my life
Upto finale of mine, from tick of your uncrease.

The one which'd trap sunbeams on you, turning you argent
Such an I, would bathe you with me.
Waking up your all cellules
I'd impart them with my life force, though being wee.

Enthralling my each particle, favoring them with hypnotherapy,
Restyling me into perfume, will be none but your scent.
Majestic will be those treasured moments
The one which destiny made us lack & so, I do lament.

Even under transfixion, your texture I'd sense
Beyond doubt I can say, Deluxe would be your essence.
Regrettably, my tiny sphere won't be throughout you
Cause I'd have fence as my circumference.

Your glossy tissues will reason my sight as a pearl
Tinge of your petals would curb my transparency.
Breezes of air would rub me on your tissues
And that sense would serve as my earnings & currency.

Sooner than sun, I'd make you awake
Chronic romance we'll attain, which our fate did skip.
Your membranes would begin the wheels of my life
I'd be fortunate to end my destiny at your tip.

I desire this to be my consistent business
At your service, I craves to get sworn.
This nature mechanized conjunction of ours
I want to be the story of every morn.