

Here she stands, in the middle, of her, high school stage, waiting for, the curtain to rise, as she becomes panicky, in taking, a few deep breaths, trying to calm, her shakey nerves, as butterflies, have massed, in her stomach, as this will be, her first time, yet knowing, the only time, the last time, she will perform, being that, it was her parents, who thought this, would be, a good idea, as her voice, will today be, now before, a live audience, as she is, use to singing, to her radio, in her make believe, full studio bedroom, but now, her peers, their families and friends, will hear her, unaccompanied, by her favorite singers, so she becomes, even more worried, in her mind, started thinking about, all the bad things, that could happen, from a crackling tone, to completely, forgetting the words, maybe even freezing, all together, but yet, even though, she has already seen, miss cues, blunders and flops, from others, she does not want, that to be her, being that, she hears, all the snickering, all the words, behind her back, all the strange looks, being a social outcast, the nerd, definately, the wallflower.

So now, as her name, is finally called, an the curtain, is drawn up, to silence, this is when, reality comes to life, as her music, begins to play, to pause, for a moment, in a silent prayer, then thinking, than imagining, she is in, her room, as she opens, her mouth, to everyone, listening, on the edge, of their seats, in shock, in awe, at her voice, even surprising herself, as she sings, with her own, little dance routine, she made up, to finish, with everyone applauding, as she, is in tears and smiling, by their kindness, at her amazing debut, if for at least, one night only.
© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs