

Is it fun to lie?
Is it fun to ignore?
To leave me hanging?

Have I asked.
Have I said.
Only later do I understand

You keep saying it's my fault
Keep saying I don't care enough
You keep hurting yourself with such words

You are not bad
You care for others
You listen to others
Just not me

I waited for you to return
I waited for you to text me
I waited for you to finally ask
To tell me it all

How much longer do I have to wait?
How many more months?
Another year?
For God's sake

Stop leaving me here with lies
Stop accidentally sending me pictures
I know you are back
I know you could meet me

It's just... you don't want to

Just say that.
Stop being like this

In the end, I again will be at fault
...and again I will have to carry the guilt

just stop already
I too exist now
Not only in past
But right now too

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