

If you've listened to silence, It is sweet and golden,
I am sure what you heard
Was a constant propagation Of the words left unspoken,
Or the words that one ought to hear.
In the head they scream like noises
And the whispers come slow,
Phrases one never got a chance to say,
And debts of grief one could not repay,
Secrets that could heal, The truths of what they feel
Appreciating someone can give strength to the weak, Making them feel alive to be able to speak,
And a "sorry" never said or left to late,
Is forgiveness not granted,
And a word of kindness can make someone to stay, Even when one exits with a desolate knowingness.
A little direction can help someone reach his destination,
However leaving a shale heart behind the sleeve
As a residue of your wrong words and actions
Silence would you choose
Or the words over it?
This confusion always occupies my headspace...
© aasthachandra

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