

Opening my eyes once again
Only to realize it's the last day of the 365 days of the year
I lay back down and closed my eyes in reflection
On how the past 364 days had been

In my mind's eyes, I saw my failures and successes
I saw the ones I lost and the ones I gained
I saw the ones I loved and who loved me
I saw the ones I learned not to care for cause of the hurt they brought

I reflected on how much tears I shed
I smiled at the memories of joy and laughter
I saw myself again when I had the urges to quit
I also saw the motivation that kept me going

I realized how strong I've been to survive such a surprisingly weird year.
Where we were at war with a tiny enemy
And had to make virtual friends worldwide to keep our sanity and humanity

The world cried and laughed as one
We connected together for a unified cause of survival
Though we were close, we never lost our humanity
Encouraging one another through art and science.

I smiled in contentment and patted myself on the back
Cause it took a whole deal of strength to have made it
Surrounded by friends and family
I decided to start the new year with flourish and hope

I got up victoriously
Deciding to spend the last day of the memorable year memorably
With music blasting and calls to friends and family
Thanking everyone for a year well spent

To have made it is the greatest achievement
One we should all be proud of
© Simmy