

Do You Have A Name? If Not, Can I Call You Mine?
You were walking down the street.
Your hands were in your pockets and your eyes were fixed on the road ahead of you.
Your shorts highlighted your very sexy legs, legs that made fellow men jealous.
The whole street was focused on you, but you were ignorant of this.
Maybe you weren't, but the fact that you ignored the attention you received made my heart beat.
Your eyes were deep, and they were very beautiful.
I stood in a corner watching you, imagining what it'd feel like if ever those eyes looked upon me, if ever those eyes saw only me.
And something prompted me, and I followed you.

Your hair was black, jet black. It was like a raven's wings, exuding mystery and elegance.
Your skin was like mine, I knew it immediately my eyes laid on your body.
It was like cinnamon spice and I could imagine the warmth, the depth, the allure that your skin would bring.
Your aura was unbeatable, and you kept walking.
And I kept following and I think the whole street did, but I didn't take note.
I took note of you, only you.
You sneezed.
I was so close that I heard it.
It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard, and I was dazed.
But I kept following you.

You stopped in your tracks.
But I was too focused on following you that I didn't realise.
I bumped into you, and your body trembled.
My heart skipped a beat, I knew I was scared, yet I loved.
You turned around slowly and you looked down on me.
Your eyes bored into my whole existence and I shivered.
Those beautiful eyes, I could see them clearly now.
They were like polished onyx, they made my heart race.
You moved closer, your eyes raised. You were curious. “Who's this cat?”
Your scent drove me crazy, I was amazed.
Who said all that “glitters is not gold?”
Aren't you more than gold?

“Is anything wrong, Miss?” Your voice rang in my ears.
My eyes went red, I was drunk.
Your voice was like wine, red wine.
It made my skin tingle.
Who mixed this wine?
“Miss?” You called out with respect, your voice calm and gentle with no arrogance, no disdain.
I looked at your lips, your very attractive lips.
They were like silken threads, smooth, fine, delicate..
I fell a million times, a billion times more.
I coughed. “Nothing is wrong.”
Your eyes visibly trembled.
“I'm Bianca, my friends call me Bia, so you can too.”
You smiled, and nodded politely and made to leave.
“Wait.” I called out. “You didn't say your name, don't you have one? If not, I can call you mine.”
You smiled widely, your eyes filled with admiration.
“Okay Bia, I'm Davies but I don't mind if I can be yours.”
I smiled.

We journeyed on together.
You laughed at everything others called boring.
You said your favorite place in the world is right next to me.
You took me to the altar, took me from my
father's hands and made vows to me.
And you said now, you are mine!
“Mine!” I claimed with possession.
We told our kids stories of our love, we told everyone who cared to know stories of our journey together.
And they called us the tree that weathered the hurricane.
They said ours is a resilient love.
Even now that we are at our sunset, our love did not fade like the sun.
Now that we are old and gray, our love is still young and fresh with every single renewal.

And now that I am awake, I am vexed.
I am not old and there is no you.
It turns out that you were only a dream, an imagination I gave life to.
Regardless, I am happy that I saw you, you that doesn't exist in the real world.

But as days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, I have come to detest you.
I now hate you as much as I had loved you.
Why do you torment me?
Appearing every now and then when you do not exist.
Everytime I close my lids to sleep, you appear, tormenting me with your terrifying, outwardly beauty.

Oh, stay away from me you thorn that refuses to be removed , you itch that wouldn't be scratched.
You, this shadow that clings to my heels, until you become real or die in my imagination, continue to enjoy my hate as much as you relished in my love.


© Haiza.