

Great men rise but never fall, legends are born but never die
Ordinary men are regarded but senior men are saluted
Men with tongues sweet like honey and hearts of a Badger
Kings that parade in hopefull tune in time of distress and panic
The standard is unique,a signature that can't be forged
Our hero, you are indeed a source of inspiration and hope
The sacrifice you have made to give peace to those who don't even know your name, is true love
Let love lead, you have shown us the way of love , you are clothed in glory our heroes

Rah, your name deserves to be chanted, 17 shots for you great man
Leave no brother behind , onward together is the lifestyle
Living rugged so that others can live in luxury, you are indeed a champion
Stay safe and stay rugged , gallant men who fear no challenge
Risking yourself to preserve us , is there any greater form of love?
Your service is appreciated, I salute you sir
© Man King