

My Shitty life (part 2)
Today as usual walking towards home..
Thinking about my shitty life..
Having no talent ,
Having no dream,
No love life or anything..
How could one live life without such basic things...?
Suddenly someone interrupted me..
I was not in mood to talk with anybody..
So I continued walking ,By ignoring everything.
But that person again stopped me ,
And this time I noticed it being a gang of our school who troubled the innocents .
They all seemed in a bad mood ..
I understood that today I'll get scolded in home too for the cause of getting beaten up by others too.
They being 5 and me just 1,
There's no use of comparison,
Because the result is always the same I get beaten up for no reason.
So one of them initiated and rest just started..
Any how I just managed to say 'please forgive me'..
But no use of saying anything..
They continued beating.
Soon I heard a bold voice calling them ,
That voice became louder and everyone stopped ..
That person might be their leader..who was scolding them for hitting a innocent.
I couldn't see who it was .. because I found my self lying on road.
They all went away and I helped my self to get up and reach home somehow..
It's just my luck found no one at home ..
Got up fresh before mom comes home.
Welcome my mom as everything is normal..
But she was still able to notice but I tried to ignore what she talked..
While sleeping I thought 'its it nice at least I was able to help those angry gang to reduce their anger by being a punching bag'...
Next day with some pain in my body I went to school ..
And was shocked to see teacher already in class room.
I saw my watch again and again then realised my watch yesterday only got broken..
Ohhh what a shitty life..
Teacher saw me and called me in class and asked me are they who bullied you after last class...
I was shocked to hear so I just stammered..
Teaching said 'don't get scared tell me child don't get afraid'.
I saw there were 6 girls standing ...
I said 'i don't know there face but knew there were only 5 of them'.
Now everyone wonder who was the one who was not there...
But after thinking 5 minutes teacher decided to suspend them all..
Every one was saying sorry then I heard the same bold voice..
I said loudly 'mam she was not there'
Now everyone eyes were on me ..
Teacher asked whom I said one with the bold voice..
And so this all resulted in 5 got suspend and one was saved..
Everyone In school just talking how coward I am got beaten up by girls ...
I felt ashamed of myself ,
I felt like hiding my self,but
I don't understand what wrong did I did to hide myself ..
Oh my shitty life..

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