

When will it be enough,
when will you find forgiveness.
When will I once again be worthy,
to join in on family pictures.
You paint me as the devil,
when I'm just misunderstood.
If only you would take the time to get to know,
the hurt underneath this hood.
I'm not oblivious to my wreckage,
when worlds collide; I crash and burn.
But if by chance you see this message,
and take the time to read these words.
I'll love you from a distance,
even though it stings my broken soul.
To spend another Christmas,
without your hands to hold.
If only you could look right through me,
maybe then you'd finally see.
That all those years of heartache,
are not what defines me.
I've had a million chances,
and maybe I don't deserve another.
Just know that I won't quit fighting,
Love Always,
Your friend, Your Dad, Your brother.

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