

#a little something for my comeback
Hello, can you hear me
Can you see me
I have been here waiting for you.
Hello can you hear me
I am right here
looking out for you
I hope you see me
I am dying to gain your attention.
But every time I try
you just move farther away from me
Hello, can you feel me
I am deep inside of you
waiting to be noticed.
Hello, can you try to know me
I am getting old and weiry as I wait on no one.
Hello, I hope you see me
it's been a while since we've talked.
Hello, please don't ignore me
I am only trying to bring you to a place I hope you never forget. Home.
A place that I know you love and cherish
but is just to busy with the outside world to notice.
Hello, please don't do away with me
for I cannot survive without you nor you without me.
Hello, I know I disturb you
but please, for once just listen to the song that I have made for you.