

invisible thread

Invisible Thread

Across the globe, a tapestry so fine,
An unseen bond connects heart to heart and mind.
A thread of humanity, strong and true,
Weaves lives together, me to you.

Through languages diverse, and cultures wide,
This thread transcends, side by side.
Religions, continents, and seas apart,
It binds us close, a loving heart.

From East to West, from North to South,
It stretches far, a silken mouth.
Invisible to the naked eye,
Yet felt by all, a gentle tie.

A smile in Tokyo, a laugh in Rome,
Echoes in hearts, a shared home.
A tear in Syria, a cry in pain,
Resonates globally, a shared refrain.

This thread of empathy, a golden strand,
Unites us all, hand in hand.
It whispers truths, of love and kindness too,
Reminding us, we're one, anew.

In city streets, in rural towns,
It weaves a fabric, without bounds.
Through joys and sorrows, it holds tight,
A connection strong, a guiding light.

So let us cherish this thread divine,
And nurture love, this heart-to-heart shrine.
For in its strength, our humanity shines,
A beacon bright, that forever aligns.

We are not alone, we are not apart,
Connected souls, a single heart.
The invisible thread, a mystery so grand,
Unites us all, across this earthly land.

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