

wake up!
Let me tell you a story,
a story of a land we own.
calling it ours while betraying its soul!

every single day the land screams for justice!!
but how would they help
when there own hands are corrupted

blinded by the power of money as they call it
there allowed to do any crime if they want it
when the media finally pressures the government
The Innocent men are called upon,
beated,devastated having no power
they are shut behind the bars.
Beaten and silenced!

The money and muscle power,
The only thing they needed!
criminals or ministers whatever you call them
they are not the only want to be blamed

the society has given them the power!
so why are they wrong?
when there using it!

I don't know if after telling the truth
I would survive because this is a country where everybody loves the lies

maybe I'll be declared a terrorist because I question the brainwashres or the therapist
oh sorry you call them politicians, dont you?

Society wake up!
The problem isn't just pollution its also corruption
The necessity isn't one nation election its water and health issues
And again I'm not blaming the government
I'm just blaming you!
And the you is everyone
© Azrael 💜