




In the tapestry of life, a thread divine,
Binds souls together in a bond so fine.
Through laughter and tears, hand in hand,
Friends traverse this wondrous land.

Like stars that dance in the velvet night,
They illuminate each other’s darkest plight.
With gentle words and caring embrace,
They journey together, in life's endless race.

A soulmate in friendship, a treasure rare,
A companion to love, to cherish, to share.
In every moment, they stand as one,
Through trials faced and battles won.

So here's to the friends who make life sweet,
Whose presence makes our souls complete.
In their embrace, we find our home,
With them, we'll never walk alone.

When all I saw was darkness all around
when I wasn't alright
breathing yet not alive
I met some angels
who made my world shine
in the dark sky of mine
they became my sunshine.

And now whenever I think of giving up
when my heart feels so tired
as soon as I think about my friends
the thought of losing myself goes away
I can't imagine my life without them
I'll never ever stop loving them.

In the world full of selfish people
if you've found a true friend
keep her/him close to you
don't you ever lose them.

#writco #friendsforlife #bondthatneverbreaks

© rõõh