

The love to grow!
Beginning wasn't easy
The fun started with a thought to end!
Why are we so lazy to start?
Why so eager to end?
If you occupy your mind
With thoughts unwept
The mind's possibility to grow
Surpasses the then possible trend!
You grow with your mind
Without sorrows you still grow greater!
Pick up the human race
A practical life
Deep in the emotional state!
Utterance of logic
Talk of take
All is happiness
Happiness is won!
Let's begin again!
Let's not again end!
Let life move on!
Let victory be heard!
Loud in the sky!
May infinity run!
The love for attainment
By mind be heard!
The love for glory
By spirit be known!
The love for love
Be as achievement won!

© Akta Karanvirsingh Kalra