

catching feelings
Tell me am stupid, just go ahead and tell me am wrong, that am in my fantasy,
tell me that its just me that get chills when we are together, that its just me that can't get you out of my head,
that am daydreamer that, that smile doesn't say more than just a smile, go ahead and say am the bad guy cause I want more,
That there is no us
tell me that am lying to myself when i say we are dying for that extra stare, hoping it will mount to something deeper, something meaningful ,
go ahead and break my heart again tell me it was just nothing,
lets meet the next day at dawn and ignore what we felt last night,
that in that long goodbye hug we weren't just craving for more. That we don't want to remember us this way, a perfect night,
tell me you did not look at that shooting star and make a wish about us .
Even nature wants us together, is it just me who can see that ?
Tell me tell me that its just me being in my head again, am a mad person that am too emotional go ahead and mess with me again, this one more time lie to my face tell me it doesn't hurt to live like this. Tell me why we keep living like this.
Why do we keep punishing us.
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