

Love vs Jealousy
Love, attachment, jealousy, and desire,
Emotions that burn like a raging fire,
They pull us close, they tear us apart,
They bind us to another's heart.

Love sees no past, and love sees no future,
It lives in the present, with an open suture,
When the one we love is happy and free,
Our own happiness grows, like a mighty tree.

Attachment clings to the past,
And sees a future that's meant to last,
It holds on tight, and doesn't let go,
And fears the unknown, the ebb and flow.

Jealousy offspring of attachment, it's true,
It's the fear of losing someone, we hold so dear and true,
It's the belief that we own them, that they belong to us,
And the fear that they'll find someone else to trust.

Jealousy creeps in, like a thief in the night,
It steals our peace, it dims our sight,
It makes us doubt, it makes us fear,
That someone else may be more dear.

For when the one we love is happy with another,
Our jealousy takes hold, like a fierce wild tiger,
Jealousy is a poison that can eat us alive,
It clouds our judgment, and makes us strive.

© davence_hackwell
love doesnt make us suffer but attchments makes us suffer.