

A Covid protocols they fight against
A Covid protocols they fight against but no one fights for the child thats being molested. That little child protest in behavior but they say its rebellion, never took the time to see beneath the surface to see the cause of this rebellious depression but a covid protocols they pay great attention, yelling violation a human rights while a child rights is being violated by a human but yet a covid protocols they fight against.

Covid protocols they fight against but then no one fights for the poor who hasn't eaten yet. The poor is under oppression from starvation while millions a pour into gun distribution but yet a covid protocols they fight against. The poor has no clothes to wear. its all tattered and torn but on good shirt they protest "no curfew" while the poor is penniless and filled with emptiness yet a covid protocols they fight against.

Covid protocols they fight against but what about our missing children. We look for when police a come, but who looks for that child that cannot be found. Some seem to be on a mission filled with ambition to protest about covid protocols but legs can't walk, streets empty when that same child is found dead but a covid protocols they fight against.

Covid protocols they fight against but what about the criminals who slice a woman throat till she gasp for air or the man they slaughtered like a Billy goat more while I wonder if they getting a government note why they seem to be getting away on a sailing boat but yet a covid protocols they fight against.

They fight against covid protocols while another man is in the hospital on respiratory machine fighting for life. They breathing natural air while a another man a breathe man made air just to breathe natural air once more but yet a covid protocols they fight against.

People help me understand why we so stubborn. To date I don't hear that mask kill no one, but covid has killed millions. So much energy for covid protocols but little effort for the pestilence that plague our land. There's no antidote so let's promote social distance, so distance won't be hindrance to our socialization.
© Theresa♥️♥️♥️fromthe♥️♥️♥️
