

If I die....🌸
If I die accidentally
Don't burn or burry me fully
I always wanted to help others
Donate my body parts to the needy ones
Don't cry and grieve once I'm dead
I don't want a single tear to be shed
Must wear a smile everyone that day
Once I reach heaven; to the God I shall tell
To make your kinds deeds fulfilled
To shower your life with happiness and bliss
If I die accidentally
I don't wish to have a death ceremony
I want the orphans to be fed
To care for the diseased and the poor be freely treated
I want that day to be of peace and harmony
Harted should not be that day and forget all your enmity
That day no one should feel lonely
Whoever you see alone just give them your company
To those whom I love and who love me
Just look at the sky whenever and there I shall be
I never left you side
I'm besides you everyday and every single night
Bring to the grave the nicest flowers
As a memory of being with me in my living years
I want my family to be together again
And don't sell the house where my childhood remains
Tell my brother I miss him a bunch
Do tell my mom and dad; I love them so much
And thanks to the wonderful people I met in my life
Some made it dull while some made it bright
Now that I am dead and the living world I've left
I am taking back with me my remaining wishes and piles of regrets
But I still have to accept the fact
My life before dying was just perfect.

© soumi's_here