

You grew up
I remember when I first held you in my arms, your tiny fingers clenched in a fist,
And your eyes closed, your small head with hairs that could be counted, I smiled, with tears threatening to fall, how could I be so lucky?

You grew up.

The first step you took, I screamed. Louder than I have for any test, any success, or any opportunity I was graced with, you grew up.

The first big meal you had that shook us to death, the first cuddle, the first cry, and the very first time you got sick and I couldn't even concentrate in college, still, in the midst of, you grew up.

When you went to our granny for the first very time, and how dull the house was thereafter and the million and one baths, some you loved and others you just loathed and cried, still my baby, you grew up.

And when you uttered your first words, 'me too', I knew then that you were my peculiar even, my prayers answered, and heaven itself, residing in a form of an angel, still my love, you grew up.

Your tantrums that you threw, the tiny disagreement that we had, and the way you always won thereafter, you grew up even more.

And when you said you could walk on your own and that carrying you will make you sad, my heart broke because it was then that I realized that you were growing.

And for the first time in months, I didn't want you to grow up anymore. I wanted you to stay, and cuddle and cry and complain or whatever, just not grow up, but you, you still grew up.

And when I come home and when you give me a hug and smile and tell me all the little and the big things you did, I see that you still growing my little bean sprout.

Growing into becoming a kid, then one day into a teenager, then a young man, and hopefully one day, a father and a husband. And I want to see you become.

Become all the good qualities that God has bestowed upon you, and the bad, letting it shred like a snake's skin when they are growing.

So I still pray, that God's light is upon you still and always, His grace, a continual fountain of life, and His peace, living water.

I pray that you walk in the pastures of His protection, and be led by the light of His Salvation because He heals, and He saves.

Time and time again, He will do it. He did it for me and by His mercy, He continues to do it.

So grow my baby boy. Grow and become momma's strong warrior and fighter. Become who God said you are, my baby, God's priced possession, and a miracle indeed.

-A letter to my son
Likhonithemba Zulu

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