


. Don't go I can't take not seeing you. It's selfish you have so much more to do. Stay I won't speak I'll only listen too the footsteps you leave behind you. Wait what if you carry me I promise not a peep. Stay longer then till I fall asleep. Nope I guess you really must go. Stay we can dance like no one's looking. Scream as if no one hears us. Oh you can't, but you will be back!!. I guess a bottle of vodka would keep me from missing you. Howling at the moon doesn't have the same affect if you're not a wolf. I just can't deal anymore going and coming ,staying and fleeing. Just sit steal and stay longer if you can. Stay for me.... Please I will ware that bow in my hair. Let you hog tie me to a chair all the stuff you might secretly like too do. So will you Stay? Oh I understand you got thing's to do. Yeah me to got a nap too take, kitchen to clean another day cause kinda already did that. But yeah see you soon. Wait is staying to much on you? Oh for crying out loud I'll go you just stay. How sweet you want me too stay. Damn I can't me being the reason you can't stay. You will? Stay ? Only if I let you go oh sure see you soon. Guess someone did end up staying with me!!..
© Jessica Freeman