

Whispers of the Human heart
In the realm of emotions, where our hearts reside,
Lies a tale of humanity, where feelings coincide.
For we are not machines, devoid of sensation,
But creatures of depth, with a soul's liberation.

It is within our nature, to feel the ebb and flow,
From joy's gentle whispers to sorrow's solemn bow.
Acknowledging our emotions, with utmost sincerity,
Allows us to embrace them, in their raw complexity.

Oh, dear human, fear not the surge deep within,
For it is the very essence that makes us akin.
An orchestra of sentiments, a kaleidoscope of shades,
A testament to the beauty that in our heart cascades.

In times of despair, let tears be a gentle release,
A chance for healing, for hearts seeking peace.
For emotions are not burdens, but treasures untold,
A navigation through life's story, yet to fully unfold.

So, honor the sadness and cherish the delight,
Embrace the anger, let love ignite.
In vulnerability lies strength, in acceptance we find,
The power to grow, our true selves to unwind.

For to be human is to traverse the emotional plane,
To dance with the highs and lows, in sunshine and rain.
Feel deeply, dear one, in all its splendor and fray,
For in our emotions, our humanity finds its way.