

Whispers in the Night: A Birthday Reflection.
In the quiet moments before my twenty-second year unfurls,
I reflect upon the memories and the dreams that whirl.
So many moments slipped away, like whispers in the night,
But one absence lingers, casting shadows in its light.

Through the passage of time, I've yearned for you, unseen,
A longing deep within, where hearts and souls convene.
Though you may not know, nor feel the echoes of my plea,
I carry you within, like a secret melody.

As the clock ticks closer to my special day's embrace,
I offer up a prayer, adorned with hope and grace.
Oh, almighty guide, in your vast and boundless might,
Bring forth the one I miss, illuminate my night.

For on this day of celebration, as I mark another year,
My heart holds space for you, my dear, forever near.
In every whispered wish, in every silent sigh,
I entrust my longing to the vast expanse of sky.

So as the stars alight and the dawn begins to break,
I hold onto the hope that destiny will take,
And in the gentle breeze, in the whispers of the night,
I'll wait for you, my missing piece, my guiding light.

© Aanya Seraphina