

The Here & Now Is All That Matters
I am placed in this world to live and not just merely exist.
Live in the Now and decode life's magical mist.
I believe in savoring and living in the moment,
Learning from my disappointments,
And not regretting what woulda, coulda, shoulda been,
Today, this second, is when the rest of my life begins.
I can't waste precious time thinking about the past which has sunken and gone,
And an unknown future which is way in the beyond,

Right here, right Now is all that matters,
Because I know nothing will be given on a silver platter.
I am deliberate in my current choices knowing that I have to live with the consequences,
I do not want to cart around baggage and constantly having to mend fences.
I will take this time to speak and live my truth,
Charter a clear future and unlearn the negative things learnt during my youth,
I do not have a crystal ball to see what will happen after this second,
All I know at this very moment, is what my heart currently beckons.

I will not ruminate on my thoughts about tomorrow,
Time lost can never be bought or borrowed,
I will pursue self-healing and spend my Now working on fixing myself,
So I will be capable of helping everyone around me who needs my help.
I will free my mind and illuminate my soul,
And won't worry about the things to come of which I have no control.
I will wake up each glorious day and enjoy life's simple pleasures,
Embody positive vibes and do good deeds, because that is what my life's worth will be eternally measured.
© Audrey Malcolm
