

I had a friend in secondary school.
We are friends for a decade now and
I was jealous because she had a boyfriend and
I didn't.
I felt like an absence because no guy would look at me.
I'm okay with that.
During her r.ship with that guy.
They had a lot of downfalls then she would run to me for advise.
I had what it takes to decieve her but I didn't.
Deceiving people better yet friend is beneath me.
So I gave her advise and it work.
I will not let jealousy get the best of me.
Their r.ship was off then on and so it continued.
Eventually,I gave myself I pep talk. To myself I said " there's a reason why guys don't seem to be attracted to you.
You are beautiful and smart.
The guy who sees that is the guy for you because not all guys are willing to dig a little deeper ".
Everything takes time.
Good things takes the most of it

Moral: That guy is out there lookin for you and he will find you. So just be true and real with yourself