

Take all of it in,
More than you can handle.
Don’t give yourself a second to
Not a single moment.
Consume it all like the glutton you are.
Fill yourself past the breaking point
But don’t you dare let it spill out!
You can let them see you Regretful
Regurgitate Attention ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Disgusting
Keep your mouth shut Pitiful
So they don’t know
how selfish you are.
Consume it all
To forget what’s wrong
With the world
with the friends
with my family
With… me
replace all your problems with Hunger.
Hunger for entertainment
For satisfaction
For serotonin
For short lived
Though the feeling might be fleeting
It can come at a heavy cost
The haze of my vision as the world begins to blur from reality
The flat static of a reminiscent tv show I know as my only stationary comfort, dulls as I stare blankly at the screen, watching other smile and laugh so easily.

The ringing in my ears drown the static, the deafening silence of my own thoughts alone in my head are loud enough to drown everything.

The cold numbing shivers that run along my body as I begins to fade from lack of attention to my body

I must consume everything
till there’s nothing left
to deflect my onslaught of thoughts,
it’s the only, no, the easiest way
to not get caught up in such painful thoughts.
It’s all I have right now.
it’s all I have…

It seems… that no matter how hard I try
Nothing I do can replace the feeling of
Being around those I once called friends
All while only in the company of my own
Anxious and depressing room

That lonely room,
where the walls are closing in,
the heavy wooden door
bars me from going any further
than a step out its confines.

The blankets surround and hold me down
as if in a chock hold, so tight
I can’t breathe…
I can’t leave…
whose fault is this…?

I guess I only have my self to blame.
For not breaking through these
invisible bars I’ve given myself.
For not saying something when I could.

When sleep takes me,
I almost hope I’ll consume too much
And slip away into the comforting
Dark and quiet.