

Shattered yearns
Erratic yore
It's very susceptible to shirk past
It's very arduous to stride ahead
Easy is to aspire with orifices
It's difficult to overlook downfalls in vitality
The world of infatuation is glamorous
Encountering real-world is too tough
Falsifying a smile is merciful,
Exhibiting grief behind a smile is overwhelming
Easy to make many fictitious pals,
It's hard to excavate even a true one
Striving at stars is easy,
Fulfilling it is so hard
My consciousness implores me "who I am"
I'm void with no alibis,
Will I able to discover "who I am",
" Am I happy?"
"What's my purpose?"
My voidness is inflicting misery,
Dwelling a vitality of fakeness,
Feared of encountering a true one,
Attempting to let go of yore,
Struggling to find clues,
Aiming to see ambitions with eyes,
Embarking to find true prosperity
One day I will accomplish...

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