

Someone can hold such a strong hold over you, that you are blinded by the intent.

You have fallen so very deeply for them that you believe it comes from a place of love.

It not being so much love, but the control and self-love they gain from ordering you around.

Your mind feeling like something isn't right when they're telling YOU what to wear, and what YOU are thinking and feeling.

The constant feeling of walking on egg shells, where you know things aren't right, but you stay quiet to keep them happy.

Then one day you're sick of it, you see others being in control of their own bodies, what they can wear, and that they are allowed to express feelings.

They try to suppress you, when they are deceiting you and not treating you fairly.

They can tell you over and over how manipulative you are and toxic, and that you're the controlling one when you feel like you've been forced to be a silent object and agree to every single thing.

Things really sink in, and one day you really see that the roles were reversed, all the things they call you and make you do is to adapt to how they really are and their ego.

You will find happiness, embrace yourself, and know what you are truly worth. You won't ever let yourself be silenced and unfairly dictated again.

© Emily-Rose Parrish