

Even the Prophets are dying
To all of the children of a loving Creator I hope all of your money wraps around your soul in your heart like a warm blanket! The accusers, the attackers, and blamers blame the accused; no good deed goes unpunished is what a sheriff twice told me. I have never have ever heard a statement so true. That is one of the most realistic messages I have ever heard from a human. This planet is in dire trouble; everyone wants to blame; humanity is to blame, the division the prejidice, the racism ,and the prejudgments and the accusers who I believe are the destroyers of all of God's prophets. People have always considered me to be a selfless person. From this day forward it goes in this order God first, me second, humanity third. how can I help one if I do not help myself. I will not let you guys kill me. do you want to know that Jesus got angry; yes, even Jesus got enraged. he got angry over how people treated each other when it came to money and we wonder why this world is going to hell in a handbasket. We as human beings are missing the point here. the reason we have come to this earth is one simple answer and it is in the numbers 4-4-4-4; t goes like this, what would Jesus do? Jesus would love all! What should we do? We should love all. It is that simple. The two dirtiest things on this planet are fingernails and money. People put money before humanity: the longer this goes on, the more we are doomed. All of the great leaders, life changers, profits, creators, and artists are the ones who made big changes in our world, the prophets the lovers the truly altruistic and the songwriters. United we stand more like divided we fall. This is where our hearts, lives, and souls have come to Someone said once today that I look angry. I am angry and I feel hurt I feel hurt that people treat each other so poorly over money. Yes I feel angry; I feel angered that God's underdogs are fighting to survive and we fight to survive for what? We cannot take our money to the grave, but love can last in a heart forever. I feel sorry for the people who chase money because the further they chase money the further they are running away from God. Again united we stand divided we fall, and it is that simple. So again the answer lies in four simple things 4444 is the answer- What would Jesus do?Jesus would love all! What should we do? We should love all. I go in peace and love to all of you! Keryn C..777
© Keryn Cashman