

Letter to God
Dear God,

It’s me again, please forgive me for my sins.
When others say what an amazing feeling it is to feel the Holy Spirit
What does it feel like lord?
I feel content , peace, and happiness
Well maybe not content if I’m questioning religion
Do I have permission to feel your Holy Spirit?
When others say it’s awful to celebrate Halloween but I like horror and gore
the things that go bump in the night get my creative juices flowing
I don’t put my faith in the dark
I just like expressing what comes to my mind
a story to tell filled with the supernatural
I’m your creation lord
So does my creativity make me an abomination?
Do other people have the right to point out my sins?
Am I supposed to change who I am in order for you to accept me?
Am I broken?
You created a creative child
Who lives in a world of fantasy

Please send me help with this internal conflict.