

Imagine the only tree at the banks of a river
The mighty wind blows against its branches
The tides run around its roots
The fishermen hang their nets on it
The boat men tie their boats to it
The children hit against its trunk
Wild animals feed on it
Birds make their nests on this tree
Herbalists pluck off its leaflets for medicine
Humans depend on its fruit for food
People rest under its shades
Come rain come shine this tree is expected to bear fruit
Should the wind blow their nets off the tree the fishermen will complain
"This tree is not strong" so they say
When the wind blows strongly and their boats are unhooked
The boatmen complain"this tree is too weak"
Should a child fall from the tree"they cry out in pain and say"this tree is hurting"
If animals do not get any of its fruit to satisfy their hunger they grumble and say " we will not feed on this tree again"
Should their nests be displaced, the birds murmur and sing"let us move to a different tree"
If the medicine of the herbalists doesn't heal he blames it on this same tree
If people do not get any of its fruit, they say "let us cut it down"
The tree that do not produce good fruits must be cut down
If people do not get any shade under the tree they say" let us relocate"
These can be compared to the behavior of some citizens to the government
Indeed uneasy is the head that wears the crown
The fishermen could have build a fence around the tree to hung their nets
The animals could have been content with the food they obtained
The birds could have rebuild their nests at a better place on the tree
The people could have created an irrigation system to support the tree
Knowing that the tree may not yield fruits in the dry seasons
The herbalist could have recheck the method he used in making his drugs
The boatmen could have used an anchor to hold their boat firm
If people took good care of this tree
the tree would have taken good care of them. We all cannot depend on one tree unless we take very good care of it. We all have a part to play.
"We all have a part to play" is a short poem written by Anthony Amoah Essah. It has been arranged in three stanzas. The first stanza describes a tree. This tree is located at the banks of a river. This tree stands alone. This symbolizes a very important and prominent office. This position of prominence is actually occupied by an individual. The writer uses the tides and mighty wind to represent the responsibilities and problems that is associated with this office. The greatest problem he emphasized was over dependence. This problem is further emphasized with the activities of the fishermen, boatmen, children, birds, herbalists and other characters. These are the nature of people governed by the office of this important personality. The fishermen represent people who benefit regularly from working for this important man. They make their ends meet from the services they render.
The boatmen are officers and institutions that are linked to the office of this important personality.  They consult this man from time to time in order to ensure the smooth continuity of his administration. They also formulate and implement policies.
A shade protects and shield against sunlight. "Children play under its shade" this refers to individuals who enjoy the protection of this important man.
"Wild animals depend on it for food" The writer uses wild animals to describe a particular group of people who also benefit from this important personality. He describes them as wild not because of their attitude but this means people from far and distant places.
The first stanza further talks about birds. The birds signify people who always praise this man hoping to get something in return.
The herbalists represent people who provide substantive suggestions and aid in decision making to help this man in the dispensation of his duties. The reason the writer uses the herbalist is because they produce medicine to heal. Come rain or sunlight this tree is expected to yield fruits. This man is expected to perform whether the conditions are favourable or not. End of first stanza. To be continued