

A Candle For Momma
It's my mom's birthday! I love her so much, but, I have to write this incomplete poem for her. You know why? It's Cos the story remains incomplete. Our story can't be complete without me actualizing all the dreams she wished for me.

Below is the poem carved like a stream;

Life took us through thick and thorns.
It almost looked impossible to breathe through it all.
We were almost at a point where giving up was the watchword.
Then things changed, not for the better, but for good.

The storms kept roaring like a deep encroaching darkness.
I could feel the judgements as I sat in the pews at the functions.
Somehow a fear so bold threatened to usurp all of my self-worth.
Bringing me nothing but sorrows, setback and lack&want.

I would have lost it all to the princes in the dark.
I would have stumbled where I should have conquered.
I would have remained at the bleachers watching people go forward.
Yet, I couldn't because Momma's tears and chants wouldn't let go.

My silence was my sadness and inability to perform.
I wouldn't have bothered if it was just about me.
I wouldn't have cried if it was just about me.
It was my inability to help my mom that brokered my emotions.

My mom is my rock.
My mom is the reason I'm fighting.
My mom is the reason for my smile.
Without her, I'm nothing.

© favody