

Who am I
Who am I?
I am me.
What am I?
I am flesh, blood and bone.
Why do you define me
by the colour of my skin,
the straightness of my hair.
You have classified me as a thing in your mind,
I have been rejected by those whose skin tone resembles mine.
I am a product of intermarriage and interbreeding.
Such is the blood that runs through my veins.
They have put me in an identity crisis.
I find myself searching for a people,
my people who I can call my own kind, but all doors shut in my face.
No living being will let me in. They have titiled me a wanna be blank piece of paper, because of a tongue that is not mine by choice but faith.
Their minds are in boxes, it impairs their vision. Can't you see, that I am more than my race group.
I am more than the language I speak.
They knit themselves together in a desperation to belong-be strong.
I now see the finger of accusation pointed towards me was done so out of fear.
I am the first of my kind and my existence will breath life to many others like me.
They wish to destroy me before I anchor my roots on the ground.
My kind is the coming of death to theirs.
It spells extinction.
My kind will multiply and theirs will be a memory of which we shall tell tales about.
I am the product of interbreeding and intermarriage.
My kind will conquer tomorrow until we are of one skin, one tongue and all other skins and tongues will be pictures in history books, inscriptions of what used to be.
Who are we?
We are us.
What are we?
We are flesh, blood and bone.
We are the product of interbreeding and intermarriage.
We are of one tongue, one skin, that will dominate the future bringing all else into extinction.

© NasibaLizzie