

An Unforgettable Smile

In the realm of memories, there lies an unforgettable smile, ethereal and bright,
It etched its mark upon my soul on a beautiful moonlit night.
It danced with joy, illuminating hearts with its sweetness and charm.
It was invitingly radiant, friendly and warm.

The smile was a simple gesture, for in its presence, worries seemed to vanish,
It was an unwavering light in the darkest of times,
It spoke volumes in silence while giving a nod of acknowledgement and a feeling of relief.

Though the years may pass, and time may fade,
Captivated by its magic, against my will, the memory of that smile will forever stay in my soul.
For in that unforgettable smile, for a brief moment, I found a glimpse of Heaven here on Earth.

by Zyrool

© Zyrool

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