

A broken fire fly
"A broken fire fly.

A broken fire fly
Fire fly
Who are you.
Why can't you shine as bright as the stars above.

Your light is so special
Your light is you.
With out your light does it mean your broken.

Silence is all hear.
I have got so many questions left unanswered.

Make a noise
Do something
I need you.

Who are you?
Are you a friend
A foe
A enemy
Or me?

I becoming my own companion.
Do you not speak?
Do you not wish to speak?
Are you even real,
Broken fire fly?

Is this even your real name?
How far can you fly?
Are you mine?
Are you me?

I think
I'm going insane.
Questioning what is real
And what is not.
Your silence is death.

Death its lonely
Its quiet
Its fearful
Its deafening
Its silence

A broken fire fly
Your now the broken fire fly.
Your silence has taught me alot things.

The broken fire fly is me."

"Very good,now can you describe what this picture tells you" my docter said.

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