

If Only,
If only,
I were a star upon the brilliant sky,
Taking a peek at the little men and their realm down below.
If only,
I was a tree among the greeny wilderness.
A fresh breath inhaled with every life-breath exhaled.
If only,
I was a squirrel living on the tallest tree.
Taking in the magnificence of mother nature every morning at the prime.
If only,
I was a dusk-rose as blue as the night.
A drop of me for a fever to ease, a drop of me to retain the glow.
If only,
I was a pen in a writers hand,
Words flowing out, words that men will remember for aeons to come.
If only,
I was a sword in a soldiers hands,
A swing of me and the foe drops dead.
If only,
I was a brown, metal clock.
The fear I will awaken in the men's hearts with just my three hands that give way to the present.
If only,
I was a letter of a beloved in a lovers hand,
Held close to the heart, I will hearken the beats of life.
If only,
I was a different being every day,
A life I will have, filled with awe and beauty in every morrow.

© Dustytruck

#Dream #Writcopoetry #Poetry #writco #poem