

The Fallen
"Adam, Adam! Wherefore dost thou hide?"
"I am bare", the youth with shame didst reply.
Shrouded from the sight of heaven with tremble and dread,
In shame of form, now aware of mortal thread.

He hath disobeyed in a most fateful day.
But was it really he who didst the evil?
"It is the woman Thee sent to me", the youth hath cried.
But she never forced it down thy throat, this I'm right!

Now, huge weight of sin and heart deep pain reflects.
"Cursed is the ground for thee", The Master raged out.
Both man and woman were cast away.
And together, with changed name in vain, they cried away.

Yet still, The Master calleth softly with gentle voice and kind.
"Adam, Adam! Wherefore dost thou hide?"
Return to me, thy heart humble and true,
And then only I can tell thee if thee truly is bare.
© eberehh