

The pain of the Silent Love.
I don't want to let go of your warm hands
Neither your warm hugs
But when your heart doesn't want me
Neither your soul desire more of me
Ours is Friendship in your sight but another has stolen your heart.
Belonging to another has shattered me
A million pieces of broken glass you have turned me to
How I remember the warmth of your hugs
And the smile from your cheeks that makes my day as beautiful as you are
I hoped to Say my feelings out to you but my cowardice has destroyed my heart
My Corwardice has become the reason for my Silent Pain
My happiness for you knows no bounds but the silence of my feelings has brought about my broken heart.
Wherever thou are, Whatever ye do
I Will remain your friend, When you need mly friendship please remember the memories we shared as friends.
© Ayangbaro Vanessa